Office Hours offer a safe space where students ask specific questions, receive explanations in a group setting, revise, and/or complete assignments. The structure of each office hour session is at the discretion of the teacher, depending on the content, topics, and number of students in attendance.
The purpose of office hours is to provide a space and time for students who need auxiliary support with the content and skills taught in class.
During the office hour schedule, students are expected to:
Turn in cell phone to teacher upon entering the classroom.
Come prepared to ask questions when you need clarification.
- Attempt the work so the teacher can see what to clarify
- Be prepared with specific questions about what you do not understand
- While waiting for clarification, work on something else
Use time efficiently to be as productive as possible.
- Practice skills
- Complete assignments
- Engage in the teacher explanation
Be mindful that this is a space for learning.
- Respect the learning space and materials
- Use self-awareness to monitor an appropriate voice level
- Support other people’s learning, by being encouraging not distracting
- Stay on task and in your seat
- Collaborative talk is related to learning content
Bring a positive attitude to the learning space.
- Show up with gratitude for other’s time and for this opportunity to learn.
- Have a growth-mindset… you are capable of learning!
- Be okay with struggling… this is where most growth happens!
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