Chula Vista Learning Community
Charter Middle School
(Grades 7 & 8)
Enrollment Information for 2025-2026 School Year:
To be included in the enrollment lottery:
Step One:
Attend an Enrollment Informational Meeting
Students and families will receive detailed information about our school beliefs and philosophy, academic program, school uniform, and athletic program.
- The informational meeting will be held on February 11, 2025 on our campus.
Step Two:
Link: 25-26 Interest Form
It is essential that you attend one of the enrollment information meetings AND submit an interest form prior to the lottery date.
- If there are more interest forms submitted than spaces available in a grade, a lottery will be held to determine admission and enrollment.
- If you are selected or not in the lottery, families will be notified through email. If not selected, you will be kept on the interest list unless you request to be removed.
- If space becomes available after the initial enrollment lottery, another lottery will follow.
Lottery will be held on March 10, 2025